Breaking Bad

Content by Mauricio Benson

My mom had been telling me about Breaking Bad on AMC for so long and to be honest, I’d just gotten sick of hearing it! I grew up in Albuquerque and I knew it was set there but she kept telling me how much fun it was to watch them roam around the old neighborhoods on TV so I finally relented and got cable tv advisor Comcast HD so I could have AMC. I have to admit, and don’t anyone go telling my mom, it’s a really great show. I think this is the second to last season of it but it’s really suspenseful and the main characters, Walt and Jesse, are just really well acted. I don’t usually like stories about drugs and violence but this one has really stuck with me because there’s such a human element to the whole thing it’s hard not to feel for them. I guess I should admit that mom’s usually right and I should listen to her more but that would just go straight to her head!
