The Demise of Soap Operas Nursing Scrubs

I really don't think the full reality of All My Children and One Life to Live going off the air in a few short months has sunk in yet.
I haven't been watching much soaps lately. Been kinda busy and the boys don't like to share the television with me, so that I can watch my shows. However, I did manage to catch a few minutes of One Life to Live and it's getting good. I'm really excited that Roger Howarth is back and can't wait to see how the story of the two Todd's plays out. I caught a little bit when Niki Smith was back too. I always enjoyed Niki. She's always good for some comic relief.
I'm really not looking forward to the days of never seeing Viki/Niki, Todd, Bo & Nora, Starr, Dorian, etc. again. Daytime characters are the best. Prime time characters don't even come close. After watching for years, they become family.
I've only been watching All My Children a few years, so I'm not as diehard of an All My Children fan as I am of One Life to Live and General Hospital. I've been watching those two ever since I can remember, over thirty years. I'll still miss All My Children though. It's going to be hard to not have a world with Erika Kane in it. She's like the icon of all daytime soaps. I'm really glad Dixie's back. Too bad it's only for a few months.
It's really sad. Those shows have so much history. Life without them will be really hard. Soaps are all I watch. There's not really anything else on television that compares. I was sick a lot as a kid, so I have lots of flashbacks of soap opera scenes. On General Hospital I can still picture Amy Vining and Jesse Brewer, in her nursing scrubs with that little hat lol, behind the nurses station. It would be funny to see today's nurses in those
How times have changed. We're down to four soaps left. It's going to be a really, really sad day when there are none left. What's crazy is everything that used to be popular and fades away seems to get revived at some point. Maybe, with any luck, this demise in soaps will just be temporary and someday some person, who's not even born yet, will get the idea to bring them back. Too bad today's soaps have to end in order for people to realize how important they are.
