Stars return to One Life to Live

Looks like Asa is really being killed off One Life To Live, off screen nonetheless. Total slap in the face to poor Phil Carey. Gosh. The guy's in his 80's and survived lung cancer. To me, that's incredible. The show should have been grateful he came back to work after his illness instead of dropping him to recurring, which caused him to quit.
Anyways, August 17 is Asa's funeral. Despite the reason for the show, it will be worth watching, since a few popular vets will be back: James DePaiva as Max, Dan Gauthier as Kevin, John Loprieno as Cord, Tonja Walker as Alex and the really big one is Nathan Fillion as Joey. Many actors have played Joey over the years, but Nathan was one of the more memorable ones. He's now gone on to be a big star. He's been in movies and and tv shows. Pretty big now, so it's really cool of him to come back to the show which gave him his start.

Don't forget General Hospital:Night Shift is on tonight at 11pm on SoapNet. Don't worry if you miss it, it will be re-aired throughout the weekend. I plan to catch it Sunday at 12pm.
